My tale

"I was born in the small country in the very heart of Europe, the Czech Republic. Since I was a little boy I have been attracted to the culture of native inhabitants of North America and developed a great and true interest not only in their material culture but also in their spirituality. I have gone through years of roaming and searching without any special purpose and aim until I started to study enthusiastically and discover step by step from books, pictures and also from my own traveling experience to the United States on couple of occasions. On my travels I have been lucky enough to meet a number of Native Americans, who were been to share their culture and own experiences with me, which I cherish most deep in my heart. Moreover, I have got in touch with several non-Native Americans, who much alike me have discovered and appreciated beauty, colourfulness and profound design elaboration of native works of art.

These two groups of people helped me get a closer insight into the culture and spirituality of the Native peoples of North America.

Without even the slightest thought of me being able to earn my living from my hobby at the beginning, I suddenly found myself doing exactly this kind of work, which lacks the modern influences and is based on the original native tradition. Since then I have been trying hard to imitate both their technology and decorative techniques as well as master their techniques for work with the original materials of so-called 'Buffalo Days'.

I have spent years of study and trying; a great many hours, days and months of thinking and figuring out how to make something to look accurate as works of the Natives more than 150 years ago using mainly original materials (e.g.: porcupine and bird quills, brain-tanned hides, natural dyes and pigments, glass beads, real sinew, cotton thread, horse hair etc.) and sewing, stitching, decorative and painting techniques. I have mastered more than twelve styles of quillwork, all beaded techniques and brain-tanning of the hides, which I prepare for my work."

Honza Podzemny